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Miscellaneous Population Points
VRF Narrative Table for "Miscellaneous Population Points":

The following conversion was implemented to classify area population features from Digital Chart of the World, edition 1, July 1992. 1) DCW point populated places and villages were converted to point settlements (AL105). The name of the city has been placed in the Text attribute (TXT). 2) DCW point "kampongs" and circular villages were converted to native settlement (AL135).

Collection ID: MISPOPP_1M
WGS 84 Geographic Extent:
Minimum Latitude: -86.48528234271502
Minimum Longitude: -180
Maximum Latitude: 81.82313482074244
Maximum Longitude: 180
The vector features in this collection have the following schema:
Column NameColumn Type
GEOMETRYpoint geometry
Row Identifier (id)integer (max length: 10)
FACC Feature Code (f_code)string (max length: 5)
Name (nam)string (max length: 80)
Text Attribute (txt)string (max length: 80)
Tile Reference ID (tile_id)integer (max length: 5)
Entity Node Primitive ID (end_id)integer (max length: 10)
(expand to show entire schema)
Coordinate Reference Systems
The native coordinate reference system of this collection is:
NAD83 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4269)
The following other coordinate reference systems are also available:
The following resources are available for this collection: