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Airport Facilities Points

VPF Narrative Table for "Airport Facilities Points":

Information on airports/airfields (GB005) was derived from the DAFIF (Digital Aeronautical Flight Information File) and TINT (Target Intelligence) in areas where such data was available. Each airfield's DAFIF reference number was placed in the 'na3' (classification name) attribute field. Only airfields which had at least one hard surface runway longer that 3,000 feet (910 meters) were collected.

Collection ID: aerofacp_1m
WGS 84 Geographic Extent:
Minimum Latitude: -54.93117088932188
Minimum Longitude: -179.8784880641815
Maximum Latitude: 79.52950234073786
Maximum Longitude: 179.3400206569545
The vector features in this collection have the following schema:
Column NameColumn Type
GEOMETRYpoint geometry
Row Identifier (id)integer (max length: 10)
FACC Feature Code (f_code)string (max length: 5)
ICAO Designator (iko)string (max length: 4)
Name (nam)string (max length: 80)
Name (na3)string (max length: 80)
Usage (use)integer (max length: 5)
Airfield/Aerodrome Elevation (meters) (zv3)integer (max length: 5)
Tile Reference ID (tile_id)integer (max length: 5)
Entity Node Primitive ID (end_id)integer (max length: 10)
(expand to show entire schema)
Coordinate Reference Systems
The native coordinate reference system of this collection is:
NAD83 (http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4269)
The following other coordinate reference systems are also available:
The following resources are available for this collection: